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053 Organized (Well, Almost!) – Time Management for Busy Moms - Vicki Bentley
054 One Size Does NOT Fit All: College and Career Check-up - Matthew Bullington
055 Homeschooling When Learning Isn't Easy - Heather Laurie
056 5 Simple Systems to Help You Organize and Manage Your Homeschool (With Your Kids’ Help!) - Kim Sorgius
057 Homeschooling on a Shoestring Budget - Vicki Bentley
058 The Disciple-Making Mom! - Megan Scheibner
059 American History: An Overview of Thirty Major Topics That Every American Should Know - Solomon Schmidt
060 Homeschooling Without Losing Your Mind - Brook Wayne
061 P.A.S.S.I.O.N. & Life-Planning - for Moms - Ann Dunagan
062 Building a Solid Math Foundation - Rachel Anderson
063 Becoming a Tech Confident Parent - Mrs. Shawnna Cody
064 The Big Transition: From Homeschool to College - Jason Dennis and Dr. Lynn Lease
065 Starting (and Growing) a Business: Yes, You Can Do It! - Brian O'Rear and Valerie O'Rear
066 Off the Bench: Overcoming Fear and Finding Your Voice - Heidi St. John
067 Love Like Jesus Loves - Norm Wakefield
068 College, Change, and Your Family... - Mr. Bob Whittet
069 {Why} Motherhood Matters - September McCarthy
070 5 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income - Rhea Perry
071 A Politically Incorrect Guide to American History - Bill Potter
072 The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? - Lisa Schmidt
073 Photography Fundamentals: The Secret to Shooting Like a Pro - Mr. James Staddon
077 DEMONIC DECEPTION: How Celebrities are Promoting Satanism and Witchcraft in Today’s Music - Tina Griffin
078 Creating Your Own One Room Schoolhouse - Unit Study Made Easy - Steve Lambert
079 Using Essential Oils to Empower and Support Your Family’s Wellness - Beth Underhill
080 Montessori in the Homeschool - Mrs. Antoinette LaGrossa
081 Help! What's My Reader Reading? - Scott Minor
082 Parenting and Homeschooling by Faith, Not Fear - Ann Dunagan and Jon Dunagan
083 Growing in Our Relationship with God - Melanie, Kristen, & Melissa Thomsen
084 Let Creation Speak; Using Puppets for Unit Studies. - Mrs. Retha Elger
085 Preparing for College - It's Easier than You Might Think! - Mr. Andrew Smith
086 You Are Not a Cosmic Accident - Walter Jurek
087 Beyond Baking Cookies: Why Kitchen Work is THE Best Way to Build Connection, Confidence & Creativity in Kids - Katie Kimball
088 NOT JUST A GAME: How Video Games, Sexting, Bullying, and Social Media Impact Our Children - Tina Griffin
089 Living on Borrowed Time, The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent - Dr. Steve Scheibner
090 Taming Your Child's Tongue - Ginger Hubbard
091 Bad Boys of the 20th Century - Linda Lacour Hobar
092 College 101 - Mark Pruitt
093 How to Tour a Museum like a Christian - Bill Potter
094 Mission-Minded Families - Ann Dunagan and Jon Dunagan
095 How Home Education Prepared Me for Public Office - Sarah Fowler
096 "Tollers" and "Jack": The Extraordinary Friendship of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis - Solomon Schmidt
097 Cyber Security for Your Home - Christopher Laurie
098 Mom's Night - Heidi St. John
099 For Men Only - Honest Father-to-Father Talk - Steve Lambert
100 Marriage and Parenting Go Hand in Hand - Megan Scheibner and Dr. Steve Scheibner
101 Creative (and Fun) Ways to Document and Assess Your Homeschool - Kim Sorgius
103 Responding Biblically to Anger - Lisa Schmidt
104 Home Business Education 101 - Rhea Perry
105 Cultivating Direction in Your Homeschool - Bryce and Deb Haller
106 The Way You Pray Will Change the Way You Parent - and How You Live - Leslie Nunnery