072 The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? - Lisa Schmidt
072 The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? - Lisa Schmidt
In the book of Titus, Paul instructs Titus about what to teach the older men of the church. He goes on to tell us that the older men are to then teach the younger men and the older women of the church. Then, based on what they learned from the older men, the older women are commanded to teach the younger women. So, what is it that women are supposed to teach and learn from one another? To love their husbands, love their children, and take care of their homes. Is that even relevant in our society today? Please join us for this intriguing workshop as we discover the timeless truths from God’s Word about our biblical role as women. Learn how to practically apply these truths in your own life and begin restoring biblical balance and unity in the home.