071 A Politically Incorrect Guide to American History - Bill Potter
071 A Politically Incorrect Guide to American History - Bill Potter
If you try to learn your American history from the nightly news, television pundits, civil government courses, most textbooks and not just a few college professors, you will be fed a whole new narrative, with traditional heroes now evil, and evil men of the past, now admirable. For instance, like a Hindu mantra, the collective chants the phrase “separation of church and state” as if it were a sacred principle found in the Constitution. Presidents who expanded the power of government were not the liberty-loving exemplars you have been taught. In this workshop, historian Bill Potter of Landmark Events will help identify some of the most egregious errors that have been concocted over the course of American history, and present a strategy to seek out the best explanations. At the heart of it all is the vital development of biblical perspective to view our history from the presuppositions of a Christian worldview.