IAHE Homeschool Academics
The Homeschool Academics Set Includes:
Science for Moms Who Don't Like Science by Kendra Fletcher
- Science is a daunting subject to teach if you don’t love it or feel you don’t know a whole lot about it. Come learn about approaches to elementary science, junior high science, and even high school science from a mom just like you!
Unleashing The Power of World History by Linda Hobar
- Through abounding stories of good and evil, world history has the power to befuddle our minds, disturb our souls, or inspire our hearts! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for an insightful look at unleashing the power of world history to stir hearts of all ages toward the truths of the Gospel.
Top Ten Myths About Homeschooling Math by Tom Clark
- Most Homeschooling parents feel uneasy when planning math courses for their children. "We learned our math a long time ago", or "We learned it a different way", or maybe we learned it not at all. How can we know if the methods we are using will achieve the desired results in our students? In this workshop, Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, and author of "Algebra: A Complete Course", and "Geometry: A Complete Course", will expose ten common myths about teaching math, and then counter those myths with solid, practical help for parents. You will also leave with a checklist of items which can be used to determine the best math course for your students.
The Foundational Five: Bible Stories, Fairy Tales, Mother Goose, Aesop's Fables, & Mythology by Jan Bloom
- David and his five smooth stones, Cinderella and her glass slipper, Mary and her lamb, the tortoise and the hare, and dynamite are only a few examples of how these five collections of tales have influenced our literature, our language, and our lives. Learning the prime stories gathered in these sources equips your students to enjoy a lifetime of reading and getting the most out of the allusions, metaphors, and subtle remarks mined from the great classics.
Teaching Critical Thinking by Dr. Jay Wile
- One of the biggest failures of our public and private school systems is that they do not teach students how to think critically. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you specific suggestions as to how you can teach your child to think critically, regardless of the subject matter. You will learn how to help your student evaluate statements, look for hidden assumptions, find political/social agendas, and discover faulty logic. Although Dr. Wile’s area of interest is science, he will show you how critical thinking applies to all academic areas, as well as all facets of your life.