IAHE Beginning Homeschooling
The Beginning Homeschooling Set Includes:
Homeschooling 101 by Carol Barnier
- So you think you're gonna homeschool? Worried? Excited? Overwhelmed? Would you like to avoid some of the more common pitfalls? Come listen as a long-term homeschooling mom, Carol Barnier, tells what she has learned, alleviates common fears, shares some surprising benefits and encourages you to have much fun on this journey. You can do this! And she'll tell you how.
How Public School Rules Threaten Home Schools by Joy Pullman
- State and national education policies are rapidly moving beyond Common Core into an entirely new web of education programs and rules that threaten families' rights to decide what their children learn and how. If homeschool families want to retain their freedoms, they need to stay abreast of these education and political trends. These include online learning (of all forms, including popular websites such as Khan Academy and popular tests such as the SAT), Common Core (which still reigns in Indiana, despite what you may have heard), and national plans to monitor children throughout their lives, starting before birth.
Choosing Curriculum by Kendra Fletcher
- Confused by the choices? Overwhelmed by the vendor hall? Straightforward advice on choosing the curriculum that fits your family best, from seasoned homeschooling mom and curriculum reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Kendra Fletcher.
What are the different approaches to homeschooling and how do you decide what's best for your home? What makes a curriculum a good choice for your family? Kendra will help you navigate the vast array of options and walk back into that vendor hall ready to narrow your purchases to exactly what you need.
The First Three Years: A Workshop For Rookies by Heidi St. John
- If homeschooling up til now feels more like drudgery than delight, or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Perhaps you've been hearing from "experts" that view homeschooling as just another form of education, like any other. Public schools think that way, but homeschooling is nothing like the school system. It's just the opposite. Learning at home is an adventure, a journey, a new lifestyle.
Textbook Myths and How to Deal with Them by Diana Waring & Dr. Jay Wile
- When you study science and history, you will learn some things that are wrong. It happens. Get over it. In this talk, Diana Waring and Dr. Jay L. Wile discuss several of the common myths that are often taught in both of these subjects. While it will be valuable for you to learn about these myths, the more important lesson from the talk is what these myths teach us about the process of education. Because myths are common in both science and history, students must understand that what they learn in their textbooks might already be out of date. Wile and Waring will give you practical advice about how to approach these kinds of situations and how to discern myth from fact.