060 God's Biblical Calendar: The Feasts of the LORD - Carla Joy Clements
060 God's Biblical Calendar: The Feasts of the LORD - Carla Joy Clements
PASSOVER=The Lamb of God, Yeshua (Jesus), crucified on Passover(Jn18:39). UNLEAVENED BREAD=Bread without yeast does not decay. Messiah was in grave during Feast of Unleavened Bread with no corruption or decay (Acts13:37;Exd12:17). FIRSTFRUITS= Messiah raised from dead, the firstfruits of those asleep (1Cor15:20). PENTECOST=50 days after Firstfruits (Acts2). FEAST OF TABERNACLES= The Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us (Jn1:14).