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000 Atlanta - Teach Them Diligently 2015 MP3 Full Set
001 Introduction To Homeschooling (Atlanta) - Joyce Herzog
004 Connected Teens, Connected Families - Leah Nieman
005 How to Grow Your Family Through Adoption - Jimbo Savley
006 Just Say No: Overcoming Interruptions and Distractions - Mary Jo Tate
008 Homeschooling: Methods that Win and Methods that Wipe Out - Jeannie Fulbright
009 Loving, Learning, and Laughing - Rachael Carman
010 Motivated Kids Move Mountains - Zan Tyler
011 Education: Does God Have An Opinion? - Israel Wayne
012 Keeping God at the Center: Homeschooling With the Bible as Your Main Textbook - Karen DeBeus
013 Leading Family Devotions - Tommy Hendricks
014 H.E.A.R.T. Exam for Homeschooling Dads - Davis Carman
015 Let's Compile A High School Transcript! - Becky Muldrow
016 Algebra and Geometry: A Fresh Approach - Christy Walters
017 Thinking About Homeschooling Your Child with Special Needs? - Heather Laurie
019 Face to Face With A Digital World - Bill Noonkesser
020 Minecraft® and Beyond: Being Creative with Technology - David Mang
021 The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool - Megan Scheibner
022 Conquering Sibling Rivalry - Tami Razbi
023 Dinosaurs and Fossils: Amazing Evidence For Creation - Scott Gillis
024 De-Stress Your Homeschool! Creative Ideas for Involving Grandparents … Beyond Babysitting! - Rich & Barb Heki
026 Calculus: Not Just for Engineers - David Shormann
027 Ready to Launch: Preparing Teens for Life After High School - Patricia Wesolowski
028 Hands on Learning - Kelli Becton
029 Healthy Eating Simplified - Sue Becker
030 A Passionate Pursuit of Excellence! - Mark Hamby
031 Get Your Homeschool Organized - Jolanthe Erb
032 Who REALLY "Owns" YOUR Children? - Alan Scholl
033 Approaches to Christian Homeschooling: Overview - Kerry Beck
034 Am I Ruining My Children? What I Wish I Knew As a Homeschool Mom - Sherri Seligson
035 Discover the JOY in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool - Karen DeBeus
036 “Fill ‘Er Up” - Pam Forster
037 How To Get Started in Georgia - Mary Jo Patterson
038 Oh, the Ways To Use a Lapbook! - Nancy Fileccia
039 A.P.P.L.E.S. for the Teacher - Davis Carman
040 Creating a Positive Learning Environment - Linda Kane
043 Fable Weavers: How Storytellers Shape History - Daniel Schwabauer
045 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a College - Phylicia Masonheimer
046 Living on Borrowed Time, Nine Practices of the Proactive Parent - Steve Scheibner
048 Five Reasons for Recent Creation - Henry Morris
050 The Doctrine of Providence and the Study of History - Bill Potter
051 Spiders! - Mike Snavely
052 How to Teach Your Children to be Independent Learners - Kim Sorgius
053 When Grandpa and Grandma Don’t Support Homeschooling - Rich & Barb Heki
054 Foundations of Learning Styles (More Than Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic) - Jan Bedell
055 Planning For Success and Reaching Goals Beyond High School - Paul Cates
056 Dangers of Busyness In Our Christian Walk - Part 1 - Alan Bias
057 Using Literature To Teach Children Social Skills - Susan Bowman
060 God's Biblical Calendar: The Feasts of the LORD - Carla Joy Clements
061 Learning in Spite of Labels - Joyce Herzog