

140 Homeschooling Challenges and How to Overcome Them - Rebecca Spooner



140 Homeschooling Challenges and How to Overcome Them - Rebecca Spooner


Whiny kids, a messy house, all your kids needing you at once, feeling disorganized, disliking your curriculum, not having support, lacking motivation... these are just SOME of the many challenges that homeschool moms face. It’s time to stop talking about them and DO something about it! You are going to walk out of this room with a printed list filled with strategic plans of action for some of the top struggles we face as homeschoolers. ?
This session is not for the faint of heart, I’m going to be sharing some of my own horror stories both as a homeschooled child and as a homeschool mom of 5. There will be laughing, there may be crying, but there will definitely be a game plan to equip you to stop being overcome by these challenges and start rising above them! You are not a victim to your homeschool day, let’s take charge! ?

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