

002 Bible Based Homeschooling: Building a Firm Foundation - Karen DeBeus



002 Bible Based Homeschooling: Building a Firm Foundation - Karen DeBeus


I have often said that I don't care if my children know all the math and science in the world. If they don't know God, then I haven't done my job. What good is it to acquire knowledge without first having godly wisdom? Call me an underachiever, but what does it matter to be successful in the world's eyes, but not God's? Who defines success? I may be an underachiever by the world's standards, but I am not looking for worldly achievement, but to make disciples, and that,?my friends, is eternal gain. Several years ago we experimented with using the Bible as our main textbook, and even though we have added in other resources since our Bible is still the book upon which we build our homeschool.

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