

112 Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Homeschooler for a STEM Education - Dr. Kevin H. Macfarlan, Ph.D., PE



112 Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Homeschooler for a STEM Education - Dr. Kevin H. Macfarlan, Ph.D., PE


Do you have a homeschool child who has “The Knack?” Do you come home to find household items in pieces across the garage floor (or worse, strewn across the kitchen table)? Do you have trouble motivating your youngster to tackle their reading and English because they want to complete their math and science assignments first? Do you find them watching YouTube videos on “How Stuff Works?” If you answer “yes” to any (or all) of these questions your homeschooler may be a prime candidate for a career in a STEM (short for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field. But how do you prepare your student NOW for a STEM college major? In this workshop we will look at ten practical ways you can prepare your child for the rigors of a STEM college program using information gathered from 25+ years of personal and professional experience (and have a little fun in the process with some door prizes!). After all, who says geeks can’t have fun!

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