

056 The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling - Rebecca Spooner



056 The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling - Rebecca Spooner


Have you ever wondered if your children are going to be “messed up,” weird, or socially awkward? Maybe you are worried about what will happen when they try to go to college. There are many pros and cons to this whole homeschool journey and while we all want to validate our decision with glowing accolades, sometimes we need to just take a step back and see the reality of the life we have chosen. Home Education comes with challenges, but so does school! ?
In this session I am going to share what it was like being a homeschooled child for ten years of my life, and the perspective that it gave me towards not just education, but the world in general. If you have a skeptic in your life or if you are skeptical or concerned about the path of homeschooling... you don’t want to miss this one!

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