040 Raise Them Up, Don’t Crush Them Down (formerly The Strong-Willed Parent) - Mark Hamby
040 Raise Them Up, Don’t Crush Them Down (formerly The Strong-Willed Parent) - Mark Hamby
Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Listen to their words and you will discover their heart. Rules can change behavior, but they can’t change the heart. Discipline is necessary for purposeful disobedience, but irritating character flaws are transformed by mercy. As each day begins with new compassions, only then will children feel safe to admit their faults and seek help from those they love. It is love, not fear, and grace, not law, which rescues their hearts. Join Mark Hamby as he shares his experience as a shepherd and the unforgettable lesson that you don’t become a shepherd just because you own sheep.