029 Integrating Apologetics into Every Subject - Mr. Thomas McCuddy
029 Integrating Apologetics into Every Subject - Mr. Thomas McCuddy
The Bible commands, encourages, and demonstrates the need to defend the faith. Paul said that he was put here for the defense of the gospel (Phil 1:16). But isn't apologetics more of a side study?
Learn how apologetics is already part of every subject an how to integrate apologetic topics, skills, and thinking in every academic subject.
Logic, philosophy, and Bible are obvious places, but math, science (especially science), art, history, and every other subject can be used to strengthen the Christian worldview and defend the claims in Scripture either directly or indirectly.
Parents will learn tips, tricks, and resources for seamlessly integrating the skills necessary to contend for the faith once and for all handed down to the Saints (Jude 3).