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000 TTDAtlanta 2019 - MP3 Full Set
001 Five Flavors of Homeschooling (2019 Atlanta) - Sonya Shafer
002 How the Homeschool Guidance Counselor Program Can Take the Guesswork Out of Homeschooling High School - Matthew Bullington
003 Ten Fascinating People From World History - Solomon Schmidt
004 What Gifted Kids Really Need - Hal and Melanie Young
005 Managing the Multitudes: Encouragement for Moms (and Dads) of Many Children - Charlotte Ellard
006 How to Piece Together the Perfect Curriculum from Preschool to Graduation - Kim Sorgius
007 Go to College Without Going Broke - Mr. Chuck Kittrell
008 Just Open The Door - Jen Schmidt
009 Math from a Biblical Worldview? - Katherine Loop
010 Put the A+ in Autism with Homeschooling! - Heather Laurie
011 Getting Families Out of the House and Into your Group-- LEADERSHIP SUMMIT SESSION - Hal and Melanie Young
012 What is a Mother To Do With Teenage Sons? - Norm Wakefield
013 How to Create the Perfect Homeschool for Your Family - Leslie Nunnery
014 Choosing a Major/College/Career - Mr. Jeff Reep
015 What Teens and Tweens Should Know about WWI - Linda Lacour Hobar
017 Brain Based Strategies for Improving and Eliminating Neuro-Developmental and Learning Disorders - Dr. Peter Scire
018 Technology Tools, Tips and Tricks for Your Group-- LEADERSHIP SUMMIT SESSION - Matthew Bullington
019 Using Critical Thinking to Prepare Our Children for Lifelong Discipleship - Elizabeth Urbanowicz
020 Responding Biblically to Temptation - Lisa Schmidt
021 Being Salt & Light Families - Israel Wayne
022 Reaching the Heart of Your Child - Ginger Hubbard
023 Understanding how valuable Christian Education is - Jerry Yandell and Chris Eppling
024 From Toddlers to Teens: Traditions, Transitions, and Transparency - Megan Scheibner
025 The $100 Life - Jen Schmidt
026 You Can Homeschool when Mom is Chronically Ill - Heather Laurie
027 Better Together - Enrich Your Homeschool Experience - Pat Wesolowski
028 The Watchman - Steve Blackston
029 Integrating Apologetics into Every Subject - Mr. Thomas McCuddy
030 Thinking Foundationally: The Relevance of Genesis - Ken Ham
031 One Race, One Blood - Ken Ham
032 Marriage and Parenting Go Hand in Hand - Megan Scheibner and Dr. Steve Scheibner
033 Homeschool From the Beginning - Melanie Young
034 How to Raise Godly Men - Mr. Jeff Reep
035 Staying One Step Ahead of Your Hungry Family with "Time Blocks" - Erin Chase
036 A Cloud of Witnesses: Eleven Great Biographies for Families and Students - Mr. Bill Potter
037 Just Open The Door - Jen Schmidt
038 Top 5 Best and Bottom 5 Worst U.S. Presidents and Why - Solomon Schmidt
039 Cyber Security for Your Home - Christopher Laurie
040 Essential Skills for Building a Strong Foundation - Julie Melendez
041 Preparing and Succeeding in STEM: Suggestions & Tips for a Deep Learning College Experience - Vincenzo Antignani
042 Fractions: Misunderstood by Most - Ann Meola
043 The 7 C’s of History - Ken Ham
044 Education: Does God Have An Opinion? - Israel Wayne
045 Taming Your Tongue - Ginger Hubbard
046 The Way You Pray Will Change the Way You Parent - and How You Live - Leslie Nunnery
047 A Hebrew Boy's Education in the Time of Christ - Dennis Gundersen
048 5 Simple Systems to Help You Organize and Manage Your Homeschool (With Your Kids’ Help!) - Kim Sorgius
049 5 Best Ways to Prepare for College - Dr. Timothy Rees
050 Parents, YOUR Worldview is Vital – Your Kids Are Watching! - Roger Wheelock