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052 Dare to Dream, Mom! - Tricia Goyer
053 The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? - Lisa Schmidt
054 A Biblical Diagnosis of Suicide and Depression - Todd Friel
055 Six Days and the Authority of Scripture - Ken Ham
056 Navigating the News with Biblical Discernment - Jonathan Woods
057 Apologetics at Every Age - Cathryn Buse
058 The Early Years: Homeschooling Your Preschooler - Sonya Shafer
059 Dinner Redefined by a Clutter-Free Kitchen - Erin Chase
060 Ten Commandments for Enriching a God-glorifying Marriage - Dr. Joel Beeke
061 Being Salt & Light Families - Israel Wayne
062 Homeschool: Simplified - Karen DeBeus
063 The Secret to Homeschool Freedom - Darren Jones
064 Homeschooling During Difficult Times - Dr. Sandi Queen
065 Introducing Electronics Into Your STEM Homeschool Curriculum Part 1 - Jason Lukawitz
066 Go to College Without Going Broke - Chuck Kittrell
067 How to Incorporate Bible Memory in Your Family - Kevin Leary
068 How Does Your Child Learn Best? - Margie Abbitt
069 Unschooling ISN'T Unparenting! - Julie Polanco
070 You Are A Masterpiece - Elizabeth Oakes
072 Meal Planning Made Simple - Jolanthe Erb
073 Bring God's Presence into Homeschooling - Norm Wakefield
074 The Horror of the Flood - Mike Snavely
075 Prayers for the Battlefield - Heidi St. John
076 Science Confirms the Bible - Ken Ham
077 Dollars & Sense - Charla McKinley
078 Wonderful Ways to Learn Non-Phonetic and Sight Words - Carol Hale
079 How To Create And Maintain A Thriving Reading or Writing Club - Janet Benge
080 Screens & Kids: A Counter-Cultural Path - That Doug Smith
081 Snow Filled Pits and Chasing the Roar: Being a Family on Mission in your City - Ariel Tyson
082 How Not To Lose Your Teens - Hal and Melanie Young
083 For the Heart Of Your Homeschool - Leslie Nunnery
084 The Way You Pray Will Change the Way You Parent - and How You Live - Leslie Nunnery
085 They’re Coming for Our Children! - Roger Wheelock
086 Introducing Electronics Into Your STEM Homeschool Curriculum Part 2 - Jason Lukawitz
087 "Tollers" and "Jack": The Extraordinary Friendship of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis - Solomon Schmidt
088 Planning for the High School Years - Jolanthe Erb
089 Stunning Historical Discoveries that Give Proof for the Bible - Kevin Conover
090 5 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income - Rhea Perry
091 Don't Learn a Foreign Language, Actually Talk in One! - Hector Olguin
092 50 Core American Documents: A Primary Document Education in History and Government - Dr. Christopher Burkett
093 How to Help Kids and Teens Study the Bible and Grow in Faith - Kim Sorgius
094 Confessions of a Recovering "Type A" Homeschool Mom - Rebecca Spooner
095 God’s Recipe for a Truly Happy Marriage - Dr. Joel Beeke
096 Dealing with Doubt: Strengthening Your Children's Faith - Chuck Black
097 A Plan for Healthy Parenting (and it’s not about food, oils, or anything organic - Todd Wilson
098 Understanding the Temperaments (and their blends) - Catherine Zoller
099 Dyslexia & Dysgraphia: Strategies to Provide Help and Hope for Struggling Readers and Writers - Rita Cevasco and Moira Chrzanowski
100 The Stricken Earth - Mike Snavely
101 Parenting in a Tech World - Titania Jordan
102 Vaccinations, Other Medical Issues, and Your Parental Rights - Bradley Pierce