

094 Confessions of a Recovering "Type A" Homeschool Mom - Rebecca Spooner



094 Confessions of a Recovering "Type A" Homeschool Mom - Rebecca Spooner


When I first started homeschooling, I was Type A to the core. I was driven, I had a schedule printed for every member of my family (including my husband) for every 15 minute increment. I knew what I wanted and how I was going to get there. But then I had more kids, one by one they came and day by day I lost control of the little world I had tried to create. I wanted tests, I wanted grades, I wanted desks and recess and workbooks. But my reality was total chaos... I couldn't merge the two and felt like an utter failure. Sound familiar? Today I identify as a mostly Charlotte Mason, relaxed homeschool style but that journey didn't happen overnight. It happened when year after year, day after day my reality collided with my expectations. Bring a coffee, some tissues, and settle in to hear my story. It's full of failures and mistakes and regrets, but also victory and hope and anticipation of something new.

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