

021 Raising Godly Girls in a Culture of Confusion - Patti Garibay



021 Raising Godly Girls in a Culture of Confusion - Patti Garibay


Today’s youth are facing a culture that twists God’s Truth into matters of opinion. Culture says that identity is malleable, individual emotions dictate global reality, and the biblical worldview is outdated, or worse yet, completely irrelevant. But a Godly girl knows that her identity is rooted in Christ, that she can put the feet of her faith on a Solid Rock, and that the opinions of today don’t change the eternal truths found in Scripture. So how do you raise a girl deeply rooted in Jesus? The founder and executive director of American Heritage Girls, Patti Garibay, will explore current cultural struggles and characteristics of today’s youth and give parents, educators, and ministry leaders the wisdom, tools, and applicable advice they need to counter the culture.

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