134 If We Intend for Them to Comprehend – Primary Grades - Karen A. Farmer Wanamaker
134 If We Intend for Them to Comprehend – Primary Grades - Karen A. Farmer Wanamaker
The Comprehension Kids program is a five-part supplement to existing reading programs. The incremental approach supports primary aged children transitioning from concrete experiences to independent mastery of the abstract concepts used by mature readers. This practical, hands-on workshop will delight and inspire parents to “do things differently to make a difference”.
The Kids program components begin with Reality Checks which are engaging real life experiences that create a concrete foundation for understanding comprehension strategies. Next, Demonstration Texts make use of children’s literature to illustrate the comprehension thought processes. Then, Interactive Graphic Organizers and use of Musical/Rhythmic devices ensure all learning styles are addressed while reinforcing comprehension strategies. Finally, Kid characters provide the perfect metaphor to assist independent memory of the processes needed for comprehension.
The workshop will provide all the methods & materials.