116 Everyday Essentials: Incorporating Essential Oils in Your Daily Routine for a Healthier Home - Shannon Bittaker
116 Everyday Essentials: Incorporating Essential Oils in Your Daily Routine for a Healthier Home - Shannon Bittaker
Everyone wants happy, accomplished, and fun-filled school days, right? In all the hustle and bustle of planning and implementing our days, we sometimes forget that one of the most important building blocks to a successful year is our health, and the health of our children. We need clear thinking and well-rested minds, balanced emotions, and healthy bodies to get the most out of our schooling experience and enjoy our families as we were meant to. Join us to learn how you can easily incorporate essential oils into your daily routine to naturally support all of your body's systems, make healthier/homemade products that don't interrupt your body's natural functions, and create atmospheres of learning that are peaceful and focused.