

135 What to do When Your Plan Doesn’t Go According to Plan - Todd Wilson



135 What to do When Your Plan Doesn’t Go According to Plan - Todd Wilson


I’ve talked to plenty of homeschooling parents who were sold a plan. They followed the plan and then later stood before me with tears in their eyes because the plan “didn’t come together.”

“We did everything THEY said to do,” they say. “We didn’t have TV…we homeschooled…we ate organic…we only wore dresses…we sheltered and protected….we practiced courtship…they played the violin…we emphasized the classics…we never missed family devotions…we emphasized purity…we birthed our children at home…we had a home business” and on and on the list goes. They feel betrayed, angry, and lost….and their children are starting ‘tell all’ websites!!!

I have to admit that several years ago when I heard their sob stories I inwardly wondered what they had done wrong. I believed that they must have gotten the WRONG plan…or didn’t carry the plan out according to the instructions. And while some of that may be true, I know NOW that sometimes our plans don’t come together because God has a DIFFERENT PLAN.

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