

060 The $100 Life - Jen Schmidt



060 The $100 Life - Jen Schmidt


Let's peel back the idea of "pinching our pennies" and look at what $100 can do when strategically applied? As a go-to girl for enjoying a full-priced life on a half-priced budget, Jen will provides simple tips, encouragement and a new perspective on our finances. Packed with humor, practical insights and biblical truth, Jen will cover nearly every aspect of home management including recreating the grocery budget, financial stewardship for children, homeschooling during the lean years, the $100 Home and even a $100 Frugal Fashionista wardrobe. Whether digging out of debt or trying to build your 401K, this workshop is for you. If you need a fresh start, inspiration or just love learning more creative ways to use your money wisely, this workshop is for you.

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