

046 Planning and Scheduling Your Homeschool - Tricia Goyer



046 Planning and Scheduling Your Homeschool - Tricia Goyer


Planning and Scheduling Your Homeschool

How do you plan and schedule your homeschool, especially when you have kids of various ages? Tricia Goyer will share:

- Knowing and following your state requirements
- Scheduling heart training, beyond book training
- Big picture planning
- How to plan a week
- How to teach kids of various ages at the same time
- Discovering that a routine is your friend
- Whiteboards, calendars, and planners
- Morning time and read-alouds
- When life goes off schedule
- Vacationing while others are in school
- Chores and home ec
- Birthdays, holidays and other celebrations

Having a plan keeps you on track and helps when you get off track.

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