015 A Cloud of Witnesses: Eleven Great Biographies for Families and Students - Mr. Bill Potter
015 A Cloud of Witnesses: Eleven Great Biographies for Families and Students - Mr. Bill Potter
More than 300,000 new book titles are published in the United States each year. Many of the non-fiction works are biographies. Which books of history are the most important for ourselves and our children to read—books that are edifying, true, and well-written? The Bible enjoins us to study the lives of Christians of the past—the “cloud of witnesses” whose faith set an example for us to follow. I have read more than a thousand biographies over the past fifty year and have selected eleven of the best, written about Christians of the past, whose lives are examples for us today. In this presentation I will give a thumbnail sketch of the lives of eleven exemplary men, with a recommended biography title for each: Oliver Cromwell, Mitsuo Fushida, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Adoniram Judson, John Knox, Robert E. Lee, John G. Paton, Pierre Viret, Noah Webster, and George Whitefield.