

138 Homeschooling a Child with Special Needs: What Legal Issues Do You Need Know About? - Tj Schmidt



138 Homeschooling a Child with Special Needs: What Legal Issues Do You Need Know About? - Tj Schmidt


This workshop covers everything you need to know about your legal rights when homeschooling a child with a special educational need. Tj discusses your right to homeschool and highlights any reporting requirements across the country that are unique for families of children with special needs. This workshop also covers your right to seek an evaluation from the public school of your child’s needs as well as your right to decline a school’s individualized education plan (IEP) for your child. Tj shares information for parents who live in states where homeschool students are eligible for special education services and talks about the pros and cons of seeking these services through the public school. To ensure that your specific issue or question is addressed, this workshop has plenty of time for your questions.

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