

054 But Mom, They're Just a Bunch of Dead People! - Adrienne Vanderveer



054 But Mom, They're Just a Bunch of Dead People! - Adrienne Vanderveer


Memorizing dates, reciting facts, listing events, and labeling geographical features - Is it any wonder that so many students view history as bland, boring and irrelevant? "They're just a bunch of dead people; it doesn't affect my life." How can we give history CPR to help students become excited about civilizations and cultures, to discover people and places, to wrestle with the rising and falling of nations, and to be inspired by men and women, perhaps not so different from themselves, who have influenced the ways we live every day? Pull up a chair and spend some time with Adrienne Vanderveer, representing BiblioPlan, as she shares the importance of studying history classically and offers mom lots of creative and practical ways to breathe LIFE back into history.

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