

051 Analogies for All of Us - Marc Hays



051 Analogies for All of Us - Marc Hays


Audio recording of a session given at the 2020 Nashville Teach Them Diligently Convention

Using the classical form of “A is to B as C is to D,” a person can discover and name a myriad of relationships between himself and his world, his neighbors, and his God. Incorporating the simplicity of this Aristotelian form, Classical Conversations MultiMedia has produced a resource that walks students through analogies: students move from analogies of the way words sound, to analogies of categories of meaning like synonyms/antonyms and genus/species, to analogies of ideas that shape fables, parables, psalms, and proverbs.

Since all of these relationships lead from human cognition to human communication, the analogies lessons do not end like a typical standardized test. Instead, each category of analogical thought leads to the figures of speech that correlate with each category (e.g., “similar sounds” leads to “alliteration” or “assonance”), and the consideration of stories leads the students to tell their own stories using the forms they have just considered and practiced.

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