

121 America’s Forgotten Founders: Native Americans and the Constitution - Pamela Openshaw



121 America’s Forgotten Founders: Native Americans and the Constitution - Pamela Openshaw


America’s original inhabitants contributed substantially to our freedom ethic. Their contributions anchored the concepts of, among others, unified sovereign states operating under a limited central government, equality under impartial law that protected all its members, and respect for natural, God-given rights. While this information is well-documented, it is little-known.

Our laws are the fusion of great cultures that validate human worth and the God-given gift of liberty. With Benjamin Franklin as a conduit, the governing principles developed over hundreds of years by the Iroquois Confederacy—five nations in the area of modern New York—flowed into our national freedoms. They joined concepts developed by the great minds of Europe to generate a new nation of powerful rights and liberty. Respect for the ways and government of our native brothers gives insight and depth to our national personality.

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