

090 Mary Heart + Martha Home = Peace & Joy - Laura Macfarlan



090 Mary Heart + Martha Home = Peace & Joy - Laura Macfarlan


When the word home is mentioned, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most of us long for responses like: love, refuge, safety, security, acceptance. The Martha in us would add: organized, clean, tidy, healthy. Our honest answers might include: chaotic, cluttered, crazy. For the homeschool parent, our home is our work — and our ministry. We struggle keenly with the Mary/Martha tension: we long to sit before our Lord, soaking in His Word so we can speak truth, live well, and honor God in all. Yet we are all too aware of the burden of keeping a home that is organized and healthy, and raising our children to be godly, responsible adults. And when the doorbell rings unexpectedly, we want to wholeheartedly embrace hospitality — without being embarrassed by the clutter and chaos in our home. After 20 years as a home educator, Laura Macfarlan understands the struggle of Mary hearts living in a Martha world.

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