185 Homeschooling Will Save Your Kids - Hopeshifting and How it Will Kill Your Homeschool - Dr. Andrew Fletcher and Kendra Fletcher
185 Homeschooling Will Save Your Kids - Hopeshifting and How it Will Kill Your Homeschool - Dr. Andrew Fletcher and Kendra Fletcher
Money. Sex. Popularity. Cars. Perfect bodies. Homeschooling.
Wait. Homeschooling? When we look to something like money or sex to provide us with a sense of worth or value, if we're hoping that our popularity will make us feel more loved, if we're striving for sex appeal, and yes, even if we're placing our hope in homeschooling, we have created idols for ourselves that enslave us and keep us from walking in freedom.
Nobody believes that homeschooling is really going to save our kids, but hidden in our thoughts is the idea that our kids will become good and godly adults if we only do it right.
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion of what it means to shift our hope from Jesus to anything else. We might easily point fingers at others who seem to be worshipping the obvious idols the world offers, but what about when the idols are good gifts from God, gifts such as homeschooling? And ultimately we'll ask the question, are you a hope shifter?