104 How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up - Todd Wilson
104 How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up - Todd Wilson
Homeschooling is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage…well, that’s way hard. And that’s okay—and even normal! Trouble is, we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap…and at the same time, we want successful results. But the truth is that good things are hard and hard things are good, and they go hand in hand. Sadly, most people don’t ever experience the good because they can’t handle the hard. They put the hard thing off, hoping it will get easier, or they avoid it all together, and all they end up with is a pile of regrets. Here’s the good news: you can handle the hard. In fact, if you’re faced with two choices, pick hard. During this hour, you’ll laugh with Todd as he shares how to embrace the hardness while keeping your eye on the joy and experiencing God’s best for you.