

101 Right-Brain Learners - Pamela Gates



101 Right-Brain Learners - Pamela Gates


Many bright, hard-working kids struggle with reading. Can a child who is unable to read or who tests two or more years behind in reading be “caught up” in reading at home? YES! The “Craft Right Brain Reading Method” not only unravels the mystery of reading problems, but it also shows you step-by-step how to eliminate these reading blocks. Each participant in this workshop will receive a "Quick Word Recognition Placement Test" (to assess child’s current reading level), colored reading transparencies, and a copy of the Daily Lesson Plan for the Struggling Reader. We will show you how to use your child’s strong photographic memory for learning sight words and phonics sounds. Your child will love this method, because he will have instant success. We usually see a two-year growth in reading and spelling in one year!

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