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152 Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview - Israel Wayne
153 The SEVEN Most Important Things We've Learned in 25 Years of Marriage: A Workshop with Jay and Heidi St. John - Heidi St. John
154 Raising Children of Promise - Leslie Nunnery
155 The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? - Lisa Schmidt
156 How and Why to Incorporate Educational Travel into Your Homeschool - Trish Corlew & Wendy Hilton
157 How You (or Your Child) Can Become a Published Author - Carol Topp
159 The Wholes and Parts of Humane Education - Marc Hays
160 The 4 Biggest Mistakes Most Families Make When Saving for Retirement - Jared Williams
161 Disciplining Our Children Without Breaking Their Spirits - Monica Irvine
162 DE, AP, CLEP, DC, JE : Navigating the Alphabet Soup of Early College - Christine Torre
163 Organizing Einstein: Enhancing the Abilities of the Gifted Learner - Jan Bedell
164 Building a Solid Math Foundation - Ann Meola
165 The Six Reasons Youth Leave the Church - Hillary Morgan Ferrer
166 Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist - Deborah Burns
169 Teach the Child, Not the Curriculum - Sonya Shafer
170 Overview of American History - Solomon Schmidt
171 Shining Armor: Your Son's Battle for Purity - Hal and Melanie Young
172 DeStress Mom with 3 R's of Homeschooling - Kerry Beck
173 Preparing for College - It's Easier than You Might Think! - Pat Wesolowski
174 The First Ten + Years with a Family Who Never Planned to Homeschool - Carisa Hinson
175 How and why you should encourage Christians and conservatives to leave public schools. - Pat Marcum
176 Going With God's Flow: The Key to Effective Family Leadership - Norm Wakefield
177 Home Business Education 101 - Rhea Perry
178 The Grocery Budget Formula Workshop - Erin Chase
179 An Author's Journey - Bryan Davis
181 Simplifying Algebra for the Hesitant Learner (When are we going to need this stuff anyway?) - Tom Clark
182 Did the Founding Fathers Believe in the Christian Doctrine of Providence? - Bill Potter
183 The Gift Within - Lori Lane
184 Grandparent Chat - Joe & Bonnie Stone