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000 KSHE 2023 Homeschool Conference - MP3 Full Set
001 How Does A Family Interact With Popular Culture? - Kevin Swanson
002 Yelling Is Lazy - Sean Allen
003 Homeschool 101: Let's Get Started - Lona Gorman
004 What Homeschoolers Won't Talk About - Dara Halydier
005 A Parent's Intuition About Sensory Issues - Kris Dickinson
007 Founded, Framed, and Filled - A House Plan for Home Education - Linda Hobar
008 Family Economy, Family Life - Kevin Swanson
009 Homeschool Is Younique - Shawn Ammons
010 How To Have A Successful Co-Op - Katie Baker
011 Parenting Children's Creativity-The Joy of Homeschooling - Holly Friesen
012 Finding The College Fit - Andrew Johnson
013 The Brain Stretching Power of Latin - Amy McVay
014 When Bible History & World History Meet Face To Face - Linda Hobar
015 Fighting for Homeschool Freedom - KSHE & You - Jeri Holmes
016 Curriculum Speed Dating: How To Find Your Math Match - Nicole Thomas
017 Raising Confident, Generous & Compassionate Ladies Requires Skills - Monica Irvine
019 Why You Need To Teach Geology & How - Patrick Nurre
020 Mary & Martha Decide to Homeschool - Linda Hobar
021 Want Less Stress & Greater Peace? - Nicole Thomas
022 Teaching Your Child Who Faces Learning Difficulties - Yvonne Strachan
023 Wise Consumers: How To Use Media W/Out Losing Your Mind! - Emily Hladik
024 How To Grow Your Mowing Business - Joe Woodward
025 Schedules…Helping Our Children To Be Happy - Monica Irvine
026 Education: You Should Try This At Home! - Kevin Swanson
027 From the Cold War to Kiev Connecting World History to the Headlines! - Linda Hobar
028 Microschools: A New Frontier In Education - Dalena Wallace
029 What is Homeschooling Success? - Dara Halydier
030 Math-Does It Matter How You Teach? - Kathleen Cotter Clayton
031 Fantasy & The Reader's Heart - Brian Davis
032 Fathers Filled With Faith & Love - Kevin Swanson
033 Raising A Brave Generation - Steve Ingalls
034 The Homeschool Sensory Toolbox - Kris Dickinson
035 Top 10 Essentials For Survival - Shawn Ammons
036 The Highly Distracted Homeschool Mom - Katie Waalkes
037 Classical Education As A Discipleship - Lizzie Brickley