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050 A Passionate And Powerful Prayer Life - Leslie Nunnery
051 What About Socialization? - Israel Wayne
052 Taking Care of You, So You Can Take Care of Them - Tami Fox
053 You Can Do It – Navigating the High School Years - Sherri Seligson
054 Staying One Step Ahead of Your Hungry Family - Erin Chase
055 The Horror of the Flood - Mr. Mike Snavely
056 Cancelled
057 Parenting the Challenging Child - Christopher Laurie and Heather Laurie
058 Leaving a Legacy - Joe Tyler
059 The Highly Sensitive Homeschool Mom - Mrs. Heather Underhill
060 Riding the Reading Roller Coaster of Dyslexia - Jan Bedell
061 Live #NotConsumed - Kim Sorgius
062 Homeschooling and the Military Family - Scheibner
063 The Value of Dual Enrollment - Yandell & Eppling
064 Motivated Kids Move Mountains - Zan Tyler
065 The Power of Words for Our Children: Edifying and Terrifying - Seligson
066 Raising Pure Boys in a Dirty World - Jennie Bishop
067 Homeschool Basics - Tricia Goyer and Kristi Clover
068 Homeschool Organization That Works - Kim Sorgius
069 Rediscovering God's Medicine Used in Ancient Times - Scoville
070 When Grandpa and Grandma Don't Support Homeschooling - Heki
071 Angry Children - Todd Friel
072 5 Strategies to Encourage a Love of Learning - Kerry Beck
073 College Crash Course - Jeannie Fulbright
074 Pitchin' a Fit: Overcoming Angry and Stressed-Out Parenting - Wayne
075 Homeschooling When Learning Isn't Easy - Heather Laurie
076 Experience Excellence in Writing - Joann Johnson
077 Raising Courageous Kids to Confront a Sexualized Culture - Sam Black
078 Dyslexia Demystified—Definitions and Hope - Faith Berens
079 Leaving a Legacy of Healthy Generations - Jennifer McCraw
080 Organizing Einstein: Enhancing Abilities of the Gifted Learner - Bedell
081 Finding Peace in a CHAOS-filled World - Marla Cilley
082 Using Rubrics Effectively - Kim Stegall
083 HomeSchooling in High School and Beyond - Joe Tyler
084 Life in the Fiery Furnace: How to Avoid Burnout - Zan Tyler
085 How to Homeschool Your “Bigs” with “Littles” in the home - Clover
086 Art of Reasoning & Relating Together with a Classical Approach - Pirri
087 Discipling your family in an apostate world - Todd Laubenthal
088 Getting Started Homeschooling - CHEO Representative
089 More with Less - Robin Helzer
090 Why Did Paul Make Tents? - David Nunnery
091 Stressed Out! - Todd Friel
092 10 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Homeschool - Kim Sorgius
093 High School & Beyond with Special Needs - Heather Laurie
094 Start School Right in 2017 - Kerry Beck
095 Grand Canyon: The Puzzle on the Plateau - Mr. Mike Snavely
096 An A to Z Guide For Character-Healthy Homeschooling - Scheibner
097 Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers - Tami Fox
098 How to Write about Literature - David Wright
099 Developing and Drafting SEP’s (Student Education Plans) - Faith Berens