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051 Music Master Class - Liberty School of Music
052 What’s a Worldview? And Why Do Worldviews Matter? - Eric Smith
053 The Seven Laws of Teaching at Home - Tom Clark
054 How to Get Your Kids Excited About the Bible - Kathie Morrissey
055 Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy - Lawrence Reed
056 Plant a Seed, Grow an Entrepreneur! - Pat Wesolowski
057 Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success - Faith Berens
058 Revealing Geometry from a Biblical Worldview - Katherine Loop
059 Remembering the Reason, Renewing the Vision - Mike Smith
060 The Amazing Chemistry Show - Josh Denhart
061 FOR ADULTS ONLY Raising Courageous Kids to Confront a Sexualized Culture - Sam Black
062 Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations - Mike Snavely
063 The Origin, Nature, and History of Money - Lawrence Reed
064 The Cure for the "Perfect" Life - Kathi Lipp
065 Developing and Drafting SEPS - Faith Berens
066 Life After Homeschooling--Now What - Shermaine Jones, Jeannie Ryan, Pat Wesolowski & Anne Miller
067 Common Core—the Impact on You - Mike Smith
068 What Teens Don’t Know About the Bible—But Should - Eric Smith
069 The Power of Adventure Learning, Part 2 - Dave Stotts
071 Raising Real Men - Hal & Melanie Young
073 Revealing Arithmetic from a Biblical Worldview - Katherine Loop
074 The Breathtaking Respiratory System - Dr. Lainna Callentine
075 Starving the Fear - Connie Albers
076 Charting Your Way Through High School for College, Workforce, or Military - Diane Kummer
077 “But What Good Is an English Major?” - Ian Andrews
078 Critical Thinking: Thinking Clearly in a Confused Culture - Eric Smith
079 From Notebooking to Online Classes - Connie Albers
080 Charlotte Mason: Excellence Without Sacrifice - Jeannie Fulbright
081 Tips on Child Training from a Mother of Seven - Tracy Klicka
082 College Fair Panel - Panel
083 The Get Yourself Organized Project - Kathi Lipp
084 Who Is the King in America and Who Are His Counselors? - William Federer
085 What Students Should Learn Before They Launch - Jonathan Brush
086 The Hunters & the Hunted - Mike Snavely
087 Can Mom or Dad Really “Teach” Story Problems? - Tom Clark
088 Could It Be a Learning Disability? - Kristen Eckenwiler
089 Casting a Gospel-Focused Vision for Homeschooling - Kim Hyland
090 The Socratic Method for Dummies - Adam Andrews
091 Homeschooling Co-op Style - Pat Wesolowski
092 Thriving--Not Just Surviving: Managing the Necessary Demands of Home and School with Grace and Hope - Kerin Morgan
093 Sanity's in the Freezer - Hal & Melanie Young
094 Help for Mompreneurs - Connie Albers
095 Solving Your K-8 Science Struggles - Jeannie Fulbright
096 Ideal vs Real: How My Expectations of Perfect Can Interfere with the Wonder and Joy of Training in the Early Years - Kerin Morgan
097 Practical Help for Homeschooling High School Students with Special Needs - Faith Berens
098 Getting Out from Overwhelmed - Kathi Lipp
099 Raising a Worldview Detective - Adam Andrews
100 Ten Crucial Years - Jonathan Brush
101 Grand Canyon - Mike Snavely
102 UH, OH! The Fractions Are Moving In! - Tom Clark