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000 CHEC 2016 Convention MP3 Full Set
001 Homeschooling Preference or Conviction - Israel Wayne
003 The Four Duties of a Good Soldier - Bill Jack
004 I'm Still Recovering from My Public School Education - Cindy Puhek
005 Becoming a Student of Your Students - Daniel Bobinski
006 The Return of Genesis - Mike Snavely
007 Stand Firm and Advance - David Nutting
008 Trust in the Lord - Steve Vaughan
009 Lies Christian Parents Teach - Teri Ong
010 Education: Does God Have An Opinion? - Israel Wayne
011 Educating & Training World Trainers - Mike Winther
012 Lost in America - Bill Jack
013 Handfuls of Treasure: Embracing Busy Family Life - Brook Wayne
014 Fireproofing Your Family From Evolutionary Assault - David & Mary Jo Nutting
015 Helping Sons and Daughters Find God's Callings - Pete Olson
016 Childrearing - The Mothers Role - Margy Tripp
017 Staying on Task - Teri Ong
018 High School Transcript Clinic - Diane Kummer
019 Five Flavors of Homeschooling - Sonya Shafer
020 Not For Sale - Tedd Tripp
021 The Horror of the Flood - Mike Snavely
022 When More is Less - Sonya Shafer
023 Polar Opposites - Bill Jack
024 How to Raise Authentic Kids - Kevin Swanson
025 Deep Learning vs. Shallow Learning - Mike Winther
026 I Don't Have Enough Patience - Brook Wayne
027 Preparing Your Teen for Life - Diane Kummer
028 Making Curriculum Choices in Light of Learning Styles - Teri Ong
029 Loving God in Life's Disappointments - Margy Tripp
030 The Stricken Earth - Mike Snavely
031 Homeschooling Youngsters Without Losing Your Mind - Brook Wayne
032 Creating the Optimal Learning Environment - Daniel Bobinski
033 Follow Christ? It's Just a "FAD!" - Bill Jack
034 How to Avoid Being Deceived - Mike Winther
035 The Beatitudes of Parenting - Cindy Puhek
036 You Can Homeschool High School - Diane Kummer
037 Home Education Law in Colorado - Todd Strawser
038 Not For Sale - Tedd Tripp
039 Inside the Brain of a Hyperactive Homeschooler - Israel Wayne
040 The Pillars of Evolution - Mike Snavely
041 Threats to Homeschooling - Mike Winther
042 Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates - Dianne Craft
043 "No You Cannot" - Bill Jack
044 What if It's Too Late? - Margy Tripp
045 An International Movement of Christian Home Education - Scott Davidson
046 Two Easy Ways to Quickly Increase Comprehension - Bridget Mosley
047 Top Ten Myths of Homeschool Math - Tom Clark
048 Deciding How to Decide - Mike Winther
049 Spiders! - Mike Snavely
050 Rebuilding Broken Relationships - Margy Tripp