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000 CWVFF 2016 MP3 Full Set
001 Monday Morning Main Session - Phillip Telfer
002 Digital Distribution - Jared Geesey
003 Building Your Actor Brand - Rebekah Cook
004 Will it Play in Peoria - Rhett Simkins
007 Working with a Composer and Executive Music Producer - Jurgen Beck
008 Movie Trailers - John-Clay Burnett
009 Monday Early Afternoon Main Session - Brett Varvel
010 Film Production Framework and First Steps - David Cook
011 The Art and Science of Online Auditions - Rich Swingle
012 Audio Gross Anatomy - Nathan Ashton
015 Secrets of Good Storytelling - John Fornof
017 Monday Late Afternoon Main Session - George Escobar
019 Ten "Must Have" Elements For a Successful Script - George Escobar
020 Directing the Editor (Less is More) - Brett Varvel
021 The Adventurous Road of a Career Filmmaker - Ken Carpenter
024 "We'll Fix it in Post" - Aaron Burns
025 Tuesday Early Afternoon Main Session - Bobby Downes
026 The Joy of Film Making - Chad Burns
028 The Other Half of Your Movie - Nathan Ashton
030 Casting Your Low Budget Movie - Rebekah Cook
031 Secrets of Good Storytelling (Part 2) - John Fornof
032 The Cutting Edge - John-Clay Burnett
034 Wednesday Morning Main Session - Rich Christiano
035 Writing a Visually/Emotionally Compelling Screenplay - George Escobar
036 Auditions Unveiled! - Cook & Varvel
037 Theater Distribution - Rich Christiano
039 Day to Day Production Management! - David Cook
041 Visual Effects: The Sequence and the Shot - Aaron Burns
042 Directors Panel Q&A - Panel
043 Script Analysis - Ken Carpenter
044 Improv for the Camera - Mimi Sagadin
045 Location Sound with the End in Mind - Nathan Ashton
046 Directing Through Camera Angles - Brett Varvel
048 Secrets of Good Storytelling (Part 3) - John Fornof
049 Communicating With Color - John-Clay Burnett
052 Pixar's 22 Rules of Story - George Escobar
054 Q&A with Rich Christiano - Rich Christiano
056 A Q&A Session with Director Brett Varvel - Brett Varvel