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00 CHEO 2013 Annual Convention MP3 Full Set
01 How to Think Like a Christian (Doug Phillips)
02 Get Right on the Money (Steve & Annette Economides)
03 Managing Multi-Level Teaching (Kathie Morrissey)
04 SAT Preparation for Christian Students (Dr. James Stobaugh)
05 Spelling: The Developmental Stages (Dr. Karen Holinga)
06 For You, Dad – Leading Your Family (Mike Donnelly)
07 Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates (Dianne Craft)
08 Victories: Moments that Define Christian Parenthood (Doug Phillips)
09 Opening the Window to Foreign Language in Your Home (Sara Rask)
10 Why Should I Start a Home Business (Gary Reese)
11 Legislative Update (Melanie Elsey)
12 What a Student Needs to Know Before they Launch (Jonathan Brush)
13 Did Anyone Hear a Big Bang? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
14 When is Enough Enough? (Steve & Annette Economides)
15 Sibling Squabbles in the Classroom (Kathie Morrissey)
16 High School 1 (Diane Monreal)
17 Bringing Kids Home (Dr. Karen Holinga)
18 Place Value, Fractions, Decimals (Tom Clark)
19 Training Your Childs Photographic Memory (Dianne Craft)
20 Men Wanted For Hazardous Journeys (Doug Phillips)
21 Orphans and the Christian Response (Cathy Egbert)
22 High School 2 (Diane Monreal)
23 What Vaccines Should I Give My Children (Dr. Patrick Johnston)
24 The Blessings of Disability (Donnie Rosie)
25 A God of Suffering (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
26 Teaching Kids About Money Isn’t Kids Stuff (Steve & Annette Economides)
27 Level Headed Language Arts (Sara Rask)
28 Managing History (Dr. James Stobaugh)
29 Parents Rights (Mike Donnelly)
30 Online Responsibility (Donnie Rosie)
31 Kids and Teens with Focus Attention Issues (Dianne Craft)
32 Building a Money Smart Family (Steve & Annette Economides)
33 Building the 21st Century Man (Doug Phillips)
34 Simplifying Algebra! Anybody Can Do It! (Tom Clark)
35 Speech and Debate (Stephanie Garrett)
36 Learning to Read (Dr. Karen Holinga)
37 Are You Intimidated (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
38 Smart Kids Who Hate to Write (Dianne Craft)
39 Raising Real Kids for the Real World (Steve & Annette Economides)
40 What Colleges' Don't Tell You (Jonathan Brush)
41 Building a Cause (Donnie Rosie)
42 Getting Started Homeschooling (Melanie Elsey)
43 How to Teach the Classics (Dr. James Stobaugh)
44 Auditory Processing Problems (Dianne Craft)
45 Developing a Biblical Worldview of Film and Media (Doug Phillips)
46 Dating or Courtship? (Kathie Morrissey)
47 UN Treaties (Mike Donnelly)
48 Especially for MOPS (Dr. Karen Holinga)
49 Were There Dinosaurs on the Ark (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)