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00 AFHE 2013 Annual Convention MP3 Full Set
01 Homeschool: Why Stay the Course? (Jessica Hulcy)
02 The Coming Attack on Homeschooling (Michael Farris)
03 Getting Started Homeschooling (Linda Crosby)
04 Wallpapering Your Children’s Hearts: Studying Art (David & Shirley Quine)
05 Building on a Sure Foundation: Staying Course Thru High School (Becky Cooke)
06 Identifying Your Child’s Processing Problems (Dianne Craft)
07 I’m Not So Sure About This (Hal Young)
08 Raising a Family of World Changers (Kay & Julie Hiramine)
09 The Homeschooling Father (Michael Farris)
10 Grandparents: Mentors, Adventure Activators, and More (Colene Lewis)
11 Elementary Foundations for a Lifetime of Learning (Karen Stobaugh)
12 Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans (Diane Kummer)
13 Dyslexia and Other Reading Problems (Dianne Craft)
14 Hard Times Homeschooling (Hal & Melanie Young)
15 Teaching Everyone Together (Jessica Hulcy)
16 Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity (Hal & Melanie Young)
17 Taming the Grocery Budget (Kara Rozendaal)
18 Christian Homeschooling vs. Public School at Home (Brad & Jennifer Melton)
19 Extracurricular Activities: Jazz Up Your High School Program (Becky Cooke)
20 Dysgraphia: When a Child or Teenager Won’t Write (Dianne Craft)
21 10 Ways to Make the Most of the Preschool Years (Heather Haupt)
22 Choosing Curriculum Like a Pro (Jessica Hulcy)
23 Science Unsnarled (Deanne Crawford)
24 History for the Christian Child (David & Shirley Quine)
25 How to Write the SAT/ACT Essay (Jim Stobaugh)
26 Project Blessing: A Project for the Whole Family (Kay & Julie Hiramine)
27 Raising Real Men (Hal & Melanie Young)
28 Lapbooking Made Easy (Linda Crosby)
29 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Michael Farris)
30 10 Things I’ve Learned from 30 Years of Homeschooling (Michael Farris)
31 Nature Walks: Science Made Simple (Heather Haupt)
32 Classical Teaching – But Is It? (Jim Stobaugh)
33 High School Transcript Clinic (Becky Cooke)
34 Training Your Child’s Photographic Memory (Dianne Craft)
35 Married to Your Best Friend (Hal & Melanie Young)
36 Jessica’s Gems (Jessica Hulcy)
37 God Fills in the Gaps (Linda Crosby)
38 Teaching Spelling (Karen Stobaugh)
39 The College Admissions Process (Diane Kummer)
40 Constitutional Literacy: It’s for You and Your Children (Michael Farris)
41 Homeschooling a Houseful (Melanie Young)
42 Relationships, Relationships, Relationships Are Forever (Jessica Hulcy)
43 Math Wars (Deanne Crawford)
44 Support Group Leaders Workshop (Jessica Hulcy)
45 The Scoop on Tests for Teens (Diane Kummer)
46 Kids and Teenagers with Focus/Attention Issues (Dianne Craft)
47 What to Do When Your Children Are Young (Hal & Melanie Young)
48 Torn Between Two Worldviews (Bill Jack)
49 How to Be a Unit Study P.R.O. (Deanne Crawford)